Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 8

I missed a few days of writing. Sometimes i just stare at the paper the way a dog stares at someone with a bag of chips.. very impatiently waiting to get a bite. Other times it just comes to me with ease. Im far behind my schedule now.. my original goal was 500 words a day. Im at about half that right now. Right now i have about 2450 words. I am hoping to step it up and surpass my 500/day goal. After all it doesnt really matter if this draft is garbage.. the important thing is to get the ideas down and worry about polishing it up later.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 2

Well... day two is in the books.. or in this case the book. I didnt get quite as much down as i had hoped. But i guess thats why there is tomorrow. I have just under 1500 words down and many ideas still running through my head. I can hardly keep up! No dreams last night... at least that i remember.. i cant wait to see what i come up with tomorrow.
One thought that keeps entering in my mind is from inside a fortune cookie i got many months ago. "Book lovers never go to bed alone"... i'll sleep on that...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

Well, day one is in the bag for writing my first book entitled 'Hostile Relations'. I got about 1000 words down on paper today. Many more long days ahead but it will all be worth it
. My ultimate goal is for it to be long enoigh to be considered a novel and obviously for it to be publishef. That all comes in down the road. Even if it doesnt get published i will likely buy myself a copy from a print on demand site. It would after all be a huge accomplishment. Pointer and ideas are always welcome.
Well off to bed. Maybe i can dream of what will come next....
until next time.